Saturday, 29 June 2013


My little puppy (I claimed him as mine when we had them from birth till when they went to their new homes) Jasper is the only one which we don't have contact details for sadly, so as I have posted a picture of him recently on my instagram I thought I may put a few pictures of him on here.

 Just 10-15 minutes old (Mum and I got to rub their belly and backs to get them to breathe after they were taken out of Allie's stomach, we had to be super fast and rough as their was only the two of us as the vet was delivering them, and the vet nurse was monitoring Allie's stats closely)

I chose him as mine as he has a 'J' on his chest)

The guts!! Jasper would go around scoffing everyone else's dinner then go and eat his, I ended up having to take him away once he had what he needed.

 He wanted in, this was taken through the window.

Playing in the grass.

My little smooth coated boy- with massive paws, and long legs!!

Just before he left to go to his new home- held by mum.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Arm Wrestling (video)

Blogger finally decided to like me! I managed to upload a video :)

Last Friday (21st June) we had a reliever teacher in biology and we had been given the worksheet to do the lesson before on the Thursday and so I had done it in study on the Thursday thinking we would have extra work to do on Friday with the reliever... oh how wrong I was... 

So it started with both Jade.R and Jade.V "battling for supremacy" (every lesson we have a debate between which Jade is #1 and #2 that particular day, and other days we have had different names) for who is who, as when someone says Jade both turn and look, or both will answer the teacher.

Our bio reliever was rather happy about us doing this and actually gave pointers and helped them.

This is a video of Jade.R and I having a arm wrestle with Jade.V being annoying and stupid through it as you will see.

Oh, and just for interests sake- there are 2 Courtney's, 2 Danielle's, 2 Jade's, and also 2 Rebecca's in my biology class alone.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Back into the drivers seat

And I'm driving again!

As of Saturday the 15th I was back able to drive as I stopped the higher dose of pain meds (DHC continuous) and went back onto the Paracode (paracetamol/codeine) and also as I am not so sore and a lot more mobile now (bending a bit better and such)

I am walking without crutches at home, and around the classroom at school to go talk to the teacher or something, but still on crutches aside from that.

My knee has definitely gotten better over the last week, the swelling has gone down heaps and the bruising from the pictures has gone away kind of, but more bruising has come up behind my knee and below it also.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Weather and Procrastination

Poor little Nashi Tree getting bashed around in the wind and rain loosing all its leaves.

Both these taken from my bedroom- looks out to the backyard- tincey, and also Orewa North Primary School.

Yes, I like to know whats going on with the weather- I find it rather fascinating (maybe I should change my career direction into being a meteorologist??).

Friday it was a rainy, cold, and yicky day- two jumpers worthy (which is actually pretty normal for me from about May or so).  

Yesterday it was actually a rather nice day until about early afternoon when it decided to turn dark and spit, then back to sunny again by late afternoon.

Woke up this morning to rain pouring down outside my window!  And it has been ever since with high winds and freezing cold for us (10degree temps maybe?) So after sitting reading on the internet on my bed for the last two hours I decided to go eat something and crawl back under my blanket and start my.. ahem.. homework- well Classics internal due tomorrow (3/4 the way through, been at it for a month+).

Ended up procrastinating.. to write this.

Another post also in the works- maybe I should finish that too? Lol.

Oh yeah- it was the school ball last night.  I didn't go.  Not my thing- my money can be better used elsewhere.  I sat up reading for hours on end after planning to go to bed early.  (ended up online reading until 11.30pm.)

Thursday, 13 June 2013


You can click on the pictures to make them a little bigger, and more read-able.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Sweet Treats

Here are some of the cakes that I have made with my friends over the last six months.

I really enjoy baking, especially when it is for someone else, I just don't like the dishes and cleaning up afterwards.

I have a love of sweet, sweet, and more sweet :).

This is the cake Taylor and I made for mums 51st birthday.

I made this cake for my Uncle for helping me with the construction for my biology experiment.

It must have been the beginning of April for my friend Danielle's 17th birthday we decided to bake a cake together, it wasn't exactly an ordinary cake that you may bake... It was quite different, well to the normal chocolate, vanilla, or banana cakes normally made around my house for birthdays.  This was a PIGGY cake of sorts.

 A couple weeks after we had made that cake, a really good friend, Judy, that I had made at school from Germany was leaving to go back, and so for her last night in New Zealand we had a sleepover at  Taylor's house and made her a "Goodbye Cake", it was the best Vanilla cake I have ever had!!

 Then recently during a study period at school as when we have them period 5 after lunch we are allowed to leave school at lunch time, Taylor and I went over to her house and we made cupcakes which got shared with her family, and her neighbors little girl.

I hope to be making more soon :)

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Update on my knee

As you know I had knee surgery last week.  10 days on and I am finally back at school for the first full day on Friday 7th June.  I have been in for the critical lessons needed to keep me up to date for a math internal that I will be sitting early next week.

Everyone thinks I am crazy weird for wanting to be at school when I have medical permission not to be there - even my doctor.

Wednesday (5th June) I went back down to my surgeons clinic in Auckland to have the bandage taken off and stitches removed with strips put on to hold the incision closed and waterproof dressings put on.  The bruising also started coming out pretty nicely, and the swelling has also meant that I haven't been able to wear my jeans yet, but I kindly got given a pair of track pants that have a zip up the side to borrow so that I can have pants to wear and not my skirts and shorts all the time, as it is winter over here.

My knee has caused a lot of pain when I'm not sitting down with my leg up, so I ended up at my local doctors clinic being prescribed with a higher dose of pain killers which have worked wonders!

Top view of my knee- 2 incisions (one for the camera- small one about 1.5cm in length, and one for the lateral release procedure- bigger one about 4cm in length)

Side view of my knee- yeah, thats the bruising, it continues round the back of me knee too.  The swelling isn't so bad at the moment as I have been from my bed to the lounge and had my leg up all day so far.

I am still on crutches and could be for quite sometime (a couple weeks+ most likely), I am fully weight bearing but not walking correctly as I can't bend my knee at all when standing or walking, though I can physically move it with my hands when sitting down.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Pictures from surgery

Just as I had come out of recovery.

Same day as the op, the yellow on my leg is iodine- it doesn't want to come off still!

 About an hour after I got home from the hospital.

This was taken yesterday- the difference in size! The left knee does have a bandage in it though, I had managed to get leggings on for under my skirt (I can't wear jeans at the moment cause my knee is to fat).