Mid-semester break has now come! Which also means that it is Easter :)
It is actually almost a week into my mid-semester break, but I have been busy over the weekend and beginning of the week doing... I don't actually know what. And today I have spent writing my psychology essay which is due in a week and a half on the first day back after break.
Today we had the floor fixed and new vinyl put down as when I first moved in here we had rotten floor boards in the laundry space which hadn't been declared or anything said to the property maintenance people.
Yesterday I finally got my flu shot- I wanted to get it when it first became available but I was trying to make sure I wasn't going to be scheduled to be on clinical placement incase I reacted to it and became sick, as I know some people do and I hadn't had one before.
I have handed multiple assignments in and done two mid-semester tests now, and I only have three results back over all, so waiting waiting for the rest of them. It takes about three weeks for each mark to come back, mainly for essays. I have three more essays/ assignments to hand in throughout the second half of the semester and then also my exams which are in the first half of June before I go on a 3 week long break between first and second semesters!