Monday, 24 February 2014

First Day of Uni!

Lectures started today! I had a pretty easy day with only two lectures BUT one of them was 3 hours long! The other was two.  On a normal Monday I would have two 2 hour lectures and a 1 hour tutorial but because its the first week of the semester they aren't doing some of the tutorials and labs for most papers... (apart from my other three which they are doing for some reason).

Tomorrow I will have my first day in the lab going over basic lab rules and expectations and all the health and safety blah and then later on in the semester we get to do HEAPS of dissections and even get to dissect a pigs head :).

Gross but pretty awesome!

Even having to do work before my lectures and labs tomorrow and Wednesday...
(Thats actually for Wednesday.. Just jumping ahead of myself before doing the stuff for tomorrow knowing I wont have time tomorrow to do much)

Thursday, 20 February 2014

That tyre (mini) trampoline

Exploration walk across the rocks...

Eloise and I had already decided before we went up that we needed to go and explore the rocks and see where it took us basically, to the bay along the coast a bit.  We were not gone for too long, but we found a few interesting things along the way and took heaps of photos!

Getting over the first of the rocks.. there were lots of oysters to avoid with our hands!

Looking back over the the bach

We found a little seat type thing in a hollowed out rock!!

Just views

Quite a way down from here!


Taking photos of each other.. also trying not to fall in (and successfully so!)

My feet dangling from the rocks a couple meters up


We found a tyre buried in the rock/sand and it was jumpable on!!
(There is a video of me actually jumping on it.. just trying to upload it)

Dead crab....

Eloise thinks she's strong.... 

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Purely Photos #1 (Views from the Bach)

Low tide

Looking out to Marsden Point

Relatively Low Tide- Not quite...

Marsden Point, Oil Refinery at night

Marsden Point

High Tide!

High Tide getting higher...

Going to Nursing School!!

Acceptance Letter

Well, it took a long time to get to this post... I have been rather busy with work, and such, but also getting ready for UNIVERSITY.  I got told that I was second on the Bachelor Of Nursing waitlist about the 24th of January... and then found out on the Monday 27th that I had gotten a place at Massey University for Nursing!!!!

I had also been accepted into AUT starting semester two, but I wasn't particually wanting to go there and wanted to be at Massey if I got the chance.

I ended up having to wait all summer to find out if I was even going to be going on to tertiary study and had then since finding out everything has been having to happen so fast as the start of lectures and starting dates were looming close!

My ONE elective paper that get to choose from out of three, is a psychology paper (Psychology as a social science) I will get to be in my friend Danielle's (cake baking partner in crime) main lecture class and possibly even the tutorial classes, which is good, as I will know at least someone, and we will be able to help each other like we have done the past couple years at school as we were in multiple classes together and in the same form class.

Tomorrow I will be moving into halls of residence in Albany, and on the 24th I will be starting semester one.  I also will have orientation week (or two) starting from saturday, with a couple of introductions and meeting etc, that I have to attend that are compulsory for me.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Summer at beach cottage 2014- Day Six

...And I am getting further and further behind....

Lets just say that our last day, well half day as we had to leave by 3.30 in order to be back on time we ended up getting up pretty late and got breakfast at like lunch time! With rushed packing kids gear into the car and heading off.

I am going to leave this holiday here and continue on with life... its been a month since we went.. WOW!

I have news! A lot of news! Good news! Good happenings!

I am saving it for another post or two.

Yes, family already know :)