Friday, 20 September 2013

Pavement Art!!

Yesterday at school we had house pavement art where each of the five school house groups had a team of seniors and a team of middle schoolers who came up with a pasifika design that they then had to fit into a 1.5m x 1.5m box drawn out on the year 7&8 side courts.
My house is Batten which is blue :-)

Batten seniors ended up coming second and Batten middle school came fourth.

Here are some photos which sort of illustrates how our hour we had panned out:

The start of it... thats a lot of blue!!!

Colouring, blending, and making the chalk colour stand out more..

Doing the finishing touches while the judges were walking around..

The finished product from the senior team- As it says in the chalk names underneath: Keanu and Gary were the designers and drew the design onto the courts and Myself, Jade, Courtney, and Dani coloured it in- with help from Keanu and Gary of course- as they are the artists :-)

Other houses working on their designs- two senior teams and a middle school team in the far corner by the path...

Four of the middle school teams- it was lunch time so there was a lot of people floating around looking at all of them as well as quite a few teachers.

The middle school Batten teams nearly finished design..

Near the end of it some of the (mainly middle school) teams were finding sheets etc. to hold up over their designs as it started to rain... We managed to find boards to protect ours from the side where it was starting to rain and also from the strong winds that was blowing the chalk dust all over it- mixing the colours!!

I plan on taking more pictures of the finished designs at somepoint today if I remember as because it rained quite heavily overnight, this morning when I walked past them on the way to form class they actually looked kinda cool!

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

International Festival

Last week on Thursday we had the International Festival at school which occurred over Form period right through until lunch time which meant for those year 13s not involved we had very small classes and a very cruzy day!
Each year level had a particular time to come over for it, it was mainly a food festival as they had the dances the day before- Wednesday.
My year group got lumped with the year 12s and I happened to have a study period then anyhow and so I was helping out with the Amnesty International stand as one of the senior leaders/ supervisors as a senior had to be on the stands along with the juniors.

The stand which I was supervising on for one period...

From the second level of the block...

From ground level...

Monday, 16 September 2013

Leavers Jumper

Friday 13th we got given our leavers jumpers! Well, those that bought them.  Very exciting as now we have them, it sort of says that we are closer to the end of high school!! There is only 7 weeks until the end of the school year before we go into study leave for a month whilst we sit our final exams for the year, and for our high school life.
November 6th 2013 is my last day of year 13 in school- learning (supposedly) I think we have a half day as we have prize giving at 7pm that evening.



These are not the best photos as they were taken by my iPad, but also right at the end of lunch time and the bell was about to go.

Monday, 9 September 2013

S'more cake anyone?

I spent this afternoon at home with a friend baking, we made s'more cake... you know:

Marshmellows cooked over an open fire, Squished in between graham crackers with chocolate in it too...

But this version was a cake, it was crushed up biscuits in cake like mixture, with chocolate chips and marshmellow mix spread in between the two layers of cake with the marshmellow mix all over the outside of the cake coating it.  We put the rest of the crushed biscuits from the cake mix all over the outside of it, but the recipe did say to put the chocolate chips on the top instead.. we did both :)

Danielle mixing the cookie, and evaporated milk in with the rest of the mixture.

Allie decided that she wanted to be under the cake when we were putting cookie all over it... she ended up covered!!!

The clean up crew- Allie and Ollie

Danielle has taken the cake home with her, to put in her fridge as we don't have enough space and she is going to bring it to school with her so that at interval everyone can devour it.

Update: It got devoured all right.. it actually tasted quite good too, to be honest!

Cutting the cake.. Out on the bench in the freezing wind!

The masterpeice S'more cake!!!!!

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Skyping with JUDY!!

I have had a really awesome evening skyping Judy!  All the way over in Germany, and I, well, as always, in little old New Zealand.

We don't talk over skype to often as having to juggle the time differences and school and activities and all but when we do get to skype it is awesome being able to catch up in real time person!!

I first met Judy at school, as she was an international student and hung out with our group of friends at break times, we have since remained close when she left and still talk and write to each other on a regular basis :)

Making connections across the world is so awesome! I now want to go over the Germany, I even have a place to stay ;-)

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Well... Mocks went a miss this year...

You know how I said I would be at school yesterday, and that I would be sitting my mocks then...

Never happend.  I ended back at the doctors yesterday for more prednisone, change in antibiotics and another medical certificate for school.  I am not suppose to be going to school until Thursday but I want to go tomorrow as long as I am not nauseous still or anything like that.

I got a phone call from school telling me I wasn't allowed to sit my mocks anymore because I have also missed the two catch up days because of being sick, as the answers are going up on the schools Ultranet and I guess seems everyone is getting their papers back too.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

I hate being sick...

Last Thursday I went to bed not feeling to good only to wake up on Friday with the flu which went on through the weekend until Monday, I still have a touch of it a week and a half later.

Having that flu was not nice, and looking after children while having the flu was not the best either, but I had some awesome help from Toni who was also with me looking after the kiddies :)  On Monday I went to my mock exam and to the doctors afterwards where I ended up getting a medical certificate to give to the school saying that I wasn't well enough to do the rest of my exams and so I ended up having the whole of last week off without going to my exams only to have to sit them when I go back next week.

I got prescribed with prednisone and antibiotics, my asthma has also been playing up this week and that is another reason why I have not been well enough to attend my exams.

I will be back at school tomorrow where I will be expected to sit my exams over a couple of days I am guessing, I will be seeing who ever it is that deals with missed exams tomorrow morning during my study period.

We will see what happens there :)